The Genius Scientist
Nikola Tesla said:
"If you wish to understand the secrets of the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration."
Energy, frequencies,
sounds and vibrations are all around us, even if you can’t hear them, see them or sense them in any way. Anything that
vibrates makes a sound, and these sounds can be healing or harmful to your body. Even your organs and brain vibrate, points
out, and this is why sounds and vibrations can have such a profound impact on your health.
What researchers
like Dr. Olle Johansson from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute are finding out is that
the frequencies of cell phones and other wireless technologies are interfering with those in your brain and body in a very
bad way. He says:
"All the evidence points, like trees in the wind, to severe human health dangers from proliferating cell phone
What Do Cell Phone and Wi-Fi Frequencies do to Your Brain?
To get an accurate picture of what is going
on when your brain is exposed to radiation from a cell phone, I highly suggest you download the brainwave model (PDF) from
The Human Project.
As you look it over, you’ll see that your brain vibrates at different frequencies. For instance,
the frequency at 3-12.5 Hz is the “vitality field” that allows your brain to recover, recharge and maintain homeostasis.
When you are in this frequency you will likely be in deep sleep or deep hypnosis.
Moving up the scale, your pineal
gland, which produces melatonin that helps you sleep and fights cancer, vibrates at 10 Hz. Your brain’s limbic system
-- the center of your emotions -- vibrates at 12.5 Hz and your brain’s “joy center” vibrates at 17.5 Hz.
vibrations increase, that is where you can run into some problems. At 33 Hz, nervousness, panic and anxiety starts, and frequencies
much above this can cause everything from cell mutations to problems with fertility. Also of note is whether or not these
frequencies are pulsating or non-pulsating. The base of your brain, which is your center for creativity and spiritual development,
vibrates at 100 Hz, but is not pulsated.
On the other hand, cordless phones -- the type you likely have in your home
and office -- vibrate at pulsating frequencies starting at 100 Hz, and they vibrate non-stop, 24/7, even when they’re
on standby. According to The Human Project, these phones disturb sleep, life energy and recovery, and can lead to burnout
or disturbances in the base of your brain that can impact your entire endocrine system.
Mobile phones result in 217 electroshocks per second into your nervous system. The EU REFLEX study, which involved 12
research teams from seven nations, found that these pulsating electroshocks damage DNA and cause cell mutations to occur.
Wireless Internet, Wi-Fi and microwave ovens transmit at an ultra-high frequency of 2.45 GHz. This disturbs your brain’s
“clock frequency” and can damage fertility and cause cell mutations.
It’s No Longer Just Speculation
Dr. Johansson is far from the only reputable scientist speaking
out about these dangers.
Earlier this year, two scientists told the U.S. House Subcommittee on Domestic Policy that
use of cell phone may raise the risk of brain cancer. The concern came from Dr. Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, and Dr. David
Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University
of Albany.
The two scientists cited a major study recently presented
by Dr. Lennart Hardell of Örebro University
in Sweden, which stated that people using
cell phones doubled their risk of developing brain cancer and acoustic neuromas, a tumor that damages the hearing nerve.
study also showed that people who started using cell phones before the age of 20 years old were more than five times
as likely to develop brain cancer.
Dr. David Carpenter, a physician who has researched and published more than 300
articles in peer-reviewed journals on the environmental causes of human disease, also testified about the scientific foundation
for cautionary measures before the U.S. House Subcommittee.
The BioInitiative Report, to which Dr. Carpenter was co-editor,
documents serious scientific concerns about the current limits regulating how much radiation is allowable from power lines,
cell phones, and many other sources of exposure to radiofrequencies and electromagnetic fields in daily life.
It concludes
that the existing standards for public safety are completely inadequate to protect your health. The report also includes studies
showing evidence for:
Effects on gene and protein expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research) • Genotoxic effects – RFR and
ELF DNA damage • Stress response (stress proteins) • Effects on immune function • Effects on neurology
and behavior • Brain tumors and acoustic neuromas • Childhood cancers (leukemia) • Magnetic field
exposure: Melatonin production, Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer • Breast cancer promotion (melatonin links
in laboratory and cell studies) • Disruption by the modulating signal
Countries are Already Taking Action … But Many are Not
The risks of cell phones and other wireless devices has prompted Toronto’s Department of Public Health
to warn teenagers and young children to limit their use of cell phones.
In addition to the Toronto Department of Health
advisory, the U.K., Belgium,
Germany, France and
Russia have already introduced precautionary
policies regarding cell phone usage due to potential health risks. This is the first step to this knowledge becoming widespread
throughout the population of the world.
Unfortunately, in the United
States health officials are still maintaining that cell phones are perfectly safe.
it’s no wonder they are, considering that in 2007 alone, the U.S.
telecommunications industry spent almost $250 million on political lobbying. Over the past decade, they have spent a grand
total of nearly $2.4 billion.
And don’t expect them to give up without a fight -- this massive industry had
combined revenues of more than $869 billion in 2007, and they will use it to continue spreading their propaganda. Just as
the tobacco industry did, even after it was well-proven that cigarettes caused harm.
is the Solution?
The only real solution is to move our culture away from wireless technology. As for myself,
I completely renovated my new home prior to moving in earlier this year, and part of the project was to put in wired CAT-5
cables so I have no wireless connections at all. The Natural
Health Center, located in our
new 25,000 square foot office building, also has absolutely no wireless in the entire building.